In essence, the task is to grow the “substance of the soul”. In Buddhist teachings this is called the path to Enlightenment. In the Hindu tradition, Moksha (freedom/liberation) is sought. And in Christianity, union with God through self-knowledge is the end point.”
Lauren Artress, (1995). Walking a sacred path: Walking a sacred path: Rediscovering the labyrinth as a spiritual tool (p. 23 – 24). New York: Riverhead Books.
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"An Embodied Spiritual Practice for Global Collective Consciousness" by Brian E. Tucker
The For many years I have felt an inner disquiet, a restless rumbling and longing in my soul which I could not easily ignore. Among varied spiritual pathways this search prompted, I found the embodied spiritual practice of “Ritual Body Postures”, as formulated by the late Anthropologist Felicitas D. Goodman from her research into the early indigenous cultures the world over. This surprisingly simple practice involves the holding of various body postures depicted in ancient artwork, accompanied by fast monotone drumming or rattling. Holding these postures while listening to a rhythmic beat activates an inner, visionary journey, a type of altered state or trance, without the need for drugs or plant medicine…
Options for the Future"
by Imogene Drummond
Thomas Berry, a visionary geologist, believed the universe evolves through continuous self-transformation, offering us inspiration for reshaping societies. In today’s turbulent times, we can draw parallels between this cosmic process and the transformation of patriarchy. .…
To read more about the book “The Rule of Mars” where this essay “Options for the Future” can be found, click here.
"Putin's Invasion" by Bernice Marie-Daly

The trouble is that Presence loves unconditionally
and we do not.
And we don’t want to;
and we don’t want to admit we don’t want to.
We are afraid to learn to love even though we know that all we seek is the fullness of Love.…
Previous Posts

On Interspirituality and Shaping a New Worldview
What is the New Cosmology and why is it relevant towards the shaping of a new worldview?

Opening to the Universe Whole-Heartedly
“When the planet is in this much trouble, we are in the dark night of the soul of the planet itself, then we are strangely closer to the seeds of imagination that can be used to reinvigorate life and possibly heal” Michael Meade
I’ve been a fan of Madeleine L’Engle’s “Wrinkle in Time” series for many years. This quote captures the importance of allowing a “Mythic view of the Universe” to take shape in our heart and mind. It also calls into question the current myth from which our society seems to be operating. Is it producing results in our lives that we all can agree upon are life-giving or is it as Jung is suggesting causing great sickness in our world? It’s an interesting question to ponder especially during the time of Pandemic, in the midst of a dawning realization of damaging climate change and species extinction, and the daily challenges many people face throughout this world to meet their basic needs to survive…

The “Journey of the Universe” is a life-affirming story told from a distinct point of view emphasizing the potential for humans to live in symbiosis with Earth and every other living being, and affirms our place within this “Cosmo-genesis” (where each moment the Universe is being born). This remarkable documentary helps us translate larger scientific discoveries into a series of poetic reflections set during a 24-hour period filmed on the Greek Island of Samos – in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece. I’m intrigued with a statement that Brian Swimme makes in the closing scene of the documentary “Journey of the Universe” as he climbs aboard a fishing boat and leaves the island of Samos at night heading back out into the dark Aegean Sea.
What is Interspirituality?
Four Archetypes: Shaman, Mystic, Sage, Prophet
Four perspectives or mindsets that provide useful metaphors for thinking about Interspirituality:
- the passion of the Shamanic, a radical re-enchantment with the Sacred,
- the sensibility of the Mystic, a more intimate sense of belonging within the context of a vast and evolving Cosmos (fashioned of elements composed both of matter yet mysteriously beyond it),
- the gift of the Prophet who can see the possibilities where others only see the impossible,
- the wisdom of the Sage, by recognizing evolutionary forces that have spanned 13.7 billion years at work within my mind, body and Psyche helping to bring awareness to this ever-present “Now” of Creation.
Copyrighted Images provided courtesy of Joseph Goldfedder
(Artist, Acupuncturist)
